Arts Market Application Guidelines 2025

Applications to pitch and showcase at the PANNZ Arts Market 2025 open at
5pm, Sunday 21 July 2024 and close at midnight, Sunday 18 August 2024.

Please apply as early as possible, as late applications will not be accepted.
Before submitting an application for the PANNZ Arts Market, please read through this guide.

Need help? Please email us at: if you have a question or need assistance with your application.

Our Kaiārahi Māori is able to assist any Māori arts practitioners and companies. Please email and they will be in touch to help.


PANNZ core objectives are to promote and encourage a sustainable performing arts touring network, and to facilitate and develop networks within the professional performing arts community in Aotearoa New Zealand. As the sole marketplace for performing arts in New Zealand, the PANNZ Arts Market is integral to supporting the industry. The PANNZ Arts Market also plays a key role in supporting international opportunities for New Zealand work.

During the Arts Market international delegates from the global performing arts community will attend pitches, showcases and wheako/experiences, meet artists and makers, attend networking events, and share knowledge from their parts of the world.

The PANNZ Arts Market 2025 will see showcases and pitches happening live and in person over three days in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland).

Arts Market Event

All three days of the Arts Market 2025 will be held in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), from Wednesday 5 - Friday 7 March.

In addition to artist pitches and showcases there will be opportunities for one-to-one meetings, and group networking with artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.

We recommend making yourself available for the whole week as Monday and Tuesday will be great for additional meetings and networking opportunities ahead of the official PANNZ Arts Market. We’ll keep you in the loop on extra events being planned. 

Te Ahurei Toi o Tāmaki Auckland Arts Festival opens the same week of the Arts Market, so consider staying on in the city to take advantage of all that's on offer.

Arts Market Digital Platform

We are continuing our long-standing partnership with Arts Front for applications and delegate registrations via the Digital Platform. 

All pitching and showcasing artists will generate profiles of their work on the platform with rich content (including options for photography, trailers and full-length videos of work). All other delegates will have the option to create profiles with details of their works or creative practice.




Please note: It is important that you have the rights to the music, recording and any material you may wish to use, which will sit on the platform.


Pitch Application Fees

There is no cost to apply. If your pitch or showcase is selected there will be a fee for registering to attend the market (see below).

Delegate Registration Fees

When you register to attend the Market the fee covers all three days. There will be no reduction in the fee if you choose to attend only part of the three-day event.

Should the Arts Market not be able to go ahead, there will be no refund, as we will deliver this at another time of year.

It is highly recommended that pitching and showcasing artists register and attend all three days of the Market to maximise their opportunity to connect with the industry and promote their work. Those artists who choose to engage are the ones whose works result in the highest number of their shows being programmed by presenters from around New Zealand and internationally.

All successful pitching and showcasing artists will automatically receive full access to the Arts Market Digital Platform, regardless of whether or not they register to attend the Market in-person. 


This provides access to all three days of the PANNZ Arts Market and includes 12 months access to the digital platform.

Independent artists/producers

Independent artists and producers can access a NZ$550 subsidy for a total registration fee of NZ$195 + GST.

(Subsidy eligibility: Independent artists and producers who are not employed/contracted by companies that receive Investment Funding from CNZ under the Toi Tōtara Haemata and Toi Uru Kahikatea programmes.)


Please note: If pricing is a barrier please contact



Delegate Registrations for the PANNZ Arts Market 2025 will open Monday 25 November 2024.


  • One-Minute Pitches
  • Five-Minute Pitches
  • Wheako/Experience Showings

You may choose one or more of the presentation opportunities for your work. However, please refer to the PANNZ Presentation Options Guide in these guidelines to clarify which opportunity is best-suited to the current development stage of your work.

Full-Length Showcases
We will again partner with NZ Music Commission who will curate the music showcase, and we will partner with Te AhureiToi o Tāmaki Auckland Arts Festival for full-length works which are part of the festival programme.

In addition to these showcases there will be an option to indicate on your EoI pitching form if you are keen to discuss any full length showcase opportunities for your work.

Please note:

  • If you are applying to pitch/showcase multiple works you will be required to complete one application per work.
  • Provide the same email address for all applications submitted as this will ensure we link these works to your Arts Market Digital Platform profile.
  • If you presented at the PANNZ Arts Market 2024 and have a profile already created for you on the Arts Market Digital Platform, please use the same email address you used last time. (This is so we can bring your profile over from 2024.)
  • The person applying for the pitch/showcase opportunity should be the main point of contact for the work/s.
  • Profiles created on the Arts Market Digital Platform must be for individuals, not multiple collaborators or organisations.
  • Once registrations are open, there will be an opportunity for you to link other collaborators to the work/s.
  • In addition to your pitch/showcase: You may submit full-length show videos, which will be available to view via the platform. These will be curated by the PANNZ panel, and available for delegates to view on request, password protected. We will advise you when a request to view your work has been made.

Presentation Options Guide

One-Minute Pitches

These can be

  • An idea
  • In Development
  • Ready to Premiere
  • Tour Ready (already premiered)

Each One-Minute Pitch will be a self-recorded video, and last no longer than one minute. It should be used to spark interest in an idea, or a pitch of either a work in development or a work which is ready for presentation.

One-Minute Pitches will be spotlighted during the three-day Market. These will be curated at the discretion of PANNZ. If artists/producers are not successful in being selected for a Five-Minute Pitch or Wheako/Experience, they may be invited to present a One-Minute Pitch.

Pitch videos must be supplied by Monday 27 January 2025. Any video longer than one minute may result in it not being included in the Market.

Five-Minute Pitches

These can be

  • In Development
  • Ready to Premiere
  • Tour Ready (already premiered)

The Five-Minute Pitches will happen live on-stage. 

Each pitch is up to a maximum of five minutes, and can include pre-recorded video content played from the stage during the pitch.

Any pre-recorded videos must be supplied by Monday 27 January 2025.

Wheako/Experience Showcases

These can be

  • In Development
  • Ready to Premiere
  • Tour Ready (already premiered)
Wheako/Experience Showings will be programmed across each morning of the Arts Market. Artists/Producers are invited to show tasters, readings, rehearsals or other types of experiential or participatory showings of a work.  These sessions may take place in a space provided by PANNZ. Examples of spaces we used in 2024 were the Town Hall Supper Room, Vault at Q Theatre and Basement Theatre with a maximum capacity of 60 people. Wheako/Experiences are intended to be ‘pared back’ with minimal technical and set requirements. Artists/Producers are expected to cover their own presentation costs, with the exception of the venue (if this is provided by PANNZ). Each session should be no longer than one hour. This includes any time you need for introductions, post-showing discussions and questions.

Key Dates

Sun, 21.07.24 Pitch/Showcase Applications for the PANNZ Arts Market 2025 OPEN AT 5pm.
Mon, 29.07.24 Online hui for pitch/showcase applicants with PANNZ team (tips and questions answered), 11am-12pm.   JOIN THE HUI
Sun, 18.08.24 Pitch/Showcase applications for the PANNZ Arts Market 2025 CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT
Fri, 06.09.24 Pitch/Showcase applicants notified of outcome.
Mon, 25.11.24 Delegate registrations to attend PANNZ Arts Market 2025 open Please note, If your EoI is successful and you are selected to pitch or showcase you do not need to register separately, but you will be invoiced if you would like to attend the rest of the Market (in addition to your showcase/pitch session)
Thu, 05.12.24 Online hui for successful pitch/showcase applicants. 11am-12pm
Mon, 27.01.25 Final digital assets submitted by pitching artists to PANNZ
Wed, 05.03.25 - Fri, 07.03.25 PANNZ Arts Market 2025 in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa (Auckland, NZ)

Application Process

Terms and Conditions

  • If offered a slot at the Arts Market 2025 you must adhere to instructions and deadlines, including signing and returning the MoU sent to you as part of the offer from PANNZ.

  • You MUST have the rights to use any content that will be held on the Digital Platform and performed live.

    You will be responsible for securing these rights, and if you do not secure the rights then you will be personally liable.

    PANNZ is committed to protecting the income of all artists, which includes the assurance that all who we work with are aware of their obligations to pay royalties or secure the rights of content created by others.

    For music rights and recording rights you may contact:
    Recorded Music NZ:


In submitting your application form, you agree that the information you submit will be available to other delegates via PANNZ Arts Market Digital Platform.

You also agree that any media you supply may be recorded and distributed via the platform during and after the PANNZ Arts Market, along with any events you participate in (both live and online - via Zoom, for example) that take place over the course of the PANNZ Arts Market, and you have the correct permissions and rights contained within your content.

This will be for the purpose of advocating the work for presentation opportunities and will be available to registered PANNZ Arts Market 2025 delegates, which will be available on the platform for up to one year.

Please note: While your information and media will be available during and after the market, you are able to log on to the PANNZ Arts Market Digital Platform at any time and edit, update or delete your profile and any other information you have provided.


  • It is recommended you attend any online/Zoom hui that are offered, so you remain well-informed through the process. 
  • It is strongly advised that all artists/producers who are pitching or showcasing during the Arts Market attend the rest of the three-day event to meet and build relationships with presenters. 
  • We advise you to be as detailed as possible in your pitch/showcase application. This will enable the curatorial panel to more fully understand your work and its alignment with the category you wish to apply for. Historically applications which have full information filled in, have successfully received an offer. Your application may be at a disadvantage if there is important information missing. (If there are any questions that do not apply or you don’t yet know, please answer N/A.)

Information you can include on the Arts Market Digital Platform

Depending on which type of opportunity you are applying for, you may not have all of the items/assets/information below, and that’s ok. For tour-ready work, there is an expectation that you have all (or most) of the information outlined here.

Contact Information

This is so that delegates know the best person to contact regarding the production.  Please name any organisations involved in the show, with preferred billing.

This information can be edited once your profile on the Arts Market Digital Platform has been created.

Note: Your mobile number will not be made available to delegates, this is for the PANNZ team only, so that we can call you if we need. 

General Information

This is key information that will populate your production profile. Include a short bio of your organisation, the title of your production, the art form you consider your work to represent (including any cross-disciplines), a brief synopsis of the show (including duration, and subject matter guidance), and the creative team and crew involved.

Tour-Ready Information

If your production is tour-ready (works that have already had a premiere season) please advise how many people are included in the touring party.

This will assist presenters in quickly understanding the costs in terms of travel, accommodation, per diems etc. to align with their budgets and programming.

It is important this information is as accurate as possible.


Any Previous Seasons

If your production has had a previous season(s) please list these. This will assist in any advocacy of the work to presenters.



Marketing Information

This content provides information for a presenter to best market the production.

Hero Image: A hero image is used in marketing and publicity. It is the main image used across your marketing collateral to connect audiences to your show. Please upload a high-res file up to 5MB in size.

Production Photos: Production photos can be from previous seasons of the show, or in  rehearsal/development. They could also be other marketing images aside from the hero image, that tell a story about your show. Please upload up to 4 high-res images as separate files up to 5 MB in size.

Review Quotes: Pull quotes from previous reviews or audience response, or links to full reviews.

Organisation/Company Logo: Company or organisation logos associated with the show, if you have them. Please upload up to 4 highres images as separate files up to 5MB in size.

Video Links: Please link to either a trailer, short excerpt, or full-length recording of the show. We can only accept YouTube or Vimeo links videos for the trailer or short excerpt, that aren’t password protected. Please provide passwords only for access to full-length show recordings.

Technical Rider

If you have a current technical rider, please upload it as a file. This will assist presenters and their teams to quickly determine the scale of your production, and what is required to present your production at a venue and if this will fit their venue, programming and budget. It is critical that information supplied is as accurate as possible. Should you not have a technical rider, it is advisable to supply as much information about the show as you know and advise that further scoping is required to realise the technical rider. 

For new works yet to be realised to stage, this will not be feasible, so again as much information you can supply as to how you will envisage the work will be helpful to presenters.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for pitching or showcasing at the PANNZ Arts Market:

  • Be a New Zealand production, produced in New Zealand.*
  • Adhere to agreement deadlines for material and/or technical plans as required.

* Note: New Zealand productions may be an adaptation or version of an international work but must be produced in New Zealand by a New Zealand-based company and engaging predominantly New Zealand-based artists.



Panel Assessment Guidelines

  • The production is of high quality.
  • The technical specifications are accurate and achievable.
  • The Producer or organisation has a track record of successfully pitching, producing and/or touring productions.
  • Preference given to shows that have not previously pitched or showcased, other than in the following instance:
    Previously pitched, and premiered, can be showcased for the purpose of international opportunities.
  • The marketing collateral (effective marketable imagery, video content etc will support your application to be stronger).
  • There is value in presenting this production in New Zealand or internationally e.g. culturally unique, diversity, important New Zealand story, innovative production, educational value, only opportunity.
  • The production shows potential presenter demand in New Zealand or internationally.