PANNZ ARTS MARKET 2025: 5-7 March

The Performing Arts Network New Zealand (PANNZ) Arts Market is Aotearoa/New Zealand's premiere event for artists, producers, presenters and industry leaders from across the performing arts sector.

Ko te Performing Arts Network New Zealand (PANNZ) Mākete Toi te tino kaupapa mō ngā kaimahi toi rātou ko ngā kaiwhakaputa ko ngā kaiwhakaatu me ngā kaiārahi o ngā rāngai huri noa i te rāngai mahi a te rēhia o Aotearoa.


Delegate registrations are for the PANNZ Arts Market 2025 are now open.

The PANNZ Arts Market 2025 will take place Wednesday 5 March - Friday 7 March 2025 in Tāmaki Makaurau. Across the three days a curated programme of pitches, wheako showings and full-length showcases will provide delegates with an opportunity to discover the exciting depth and breadth of work on offer in the performing arts sector in Aotearoa today.

There will be both formal and informal networking opportunities and roundtable sessions. The programme will feature talks, ideas and discussions to provide a platform for connection, and collaboration on the themes and priorities currently faced by our sector. 

The full programme for the Arts Market 2025 including all one- and five-minute pitching artists will be released in early 2025.

Mai ngā pātaka ki te hākari, he hauora mō te iwi

The PANNZ Arts Market 2025 will be guided by this whakatauākī (proverb), which has been gifted to the PANNZ community by Tānemahuta Gray, Dolina Wehipeihana and Emily Hakaraia following our kaimahi wānanga on the purpose of this year's market.

Ka ārahina te PANNZ Arts Market 2025 e tēnei whakatauākī. He kohā tēnei mō te hapori o te whānau whānui o PANNZ mai Tānemahuta Gray, rātou ko Dolina Wehipeihana, ko Emily Hakaraia, kei muri i tētahi wānanga mai ngā kaimahi o PANNZ e pā ana te kaupapa mō tēnei mākete.

This whakatauākī talks to all the artists, performing arts organisations and performance venues who have within their own pātaka (food storage houses), a rich collection of performance works, research and development and workshop processes, and performance platforms which we bring to the market. From our storehouses we share our taonga in a hākari or huge feast together to share the ways in which we can see, experience and find future pathways for our works to further feed our communities and future audiences. It talks to the collective process of kotahitanga and sector unity, whilst celebrating the unique and diverse offerings that we all have to offer this great feast. E kai, e kai, e kai!

Each day of the programme will connect with an element of the whakatauākī, and threaded throughout the market will be opportunities to hear from artists and arts leaders, and participate in discussions on arts, culture and creativity in Aotearoa.

E tautoko ana tēnei whakatauākī i ngā wawata o PANNZ ki te whakamana i ngā tāonga nō ngā pātaka ō ngā kaitoi, ngā kamupene toi me ngā whare tapere, e pā ana i ngā whakatūranga, wānanga me ngā atamira ka kawea tātou ki te mākete. Nō ngā pātaka, kā honohono tātou i ēnei tāonga ki te whāngaitahi tātou me he hākari nui o ngā wheako toi. Ko tēnei he uara o te kotahitanga me te rerekētanga ka puta mai nō tēnei hapori o PANNZ ki te hākari nui. E kai, e kai, e kai!

Ka tūhono ia rā o te hōtaka ki tētahi āhuatanga o te whakatauākī, ā, huri noa i te mākete ka tuia he ara wātea ki te whakarongo atu ki ngā ringatoi me ngā kaiārahi o ngā mahi toi, me ngā huarahi ki te whai wāhi ki ngā whiriwhiringa mō ngā mahi toi, me te ahurea, me te auahatanga ki Aotearoa.

The Arts Market 2025 will once again utilise the Arts Front Platform - a software system developed specifically for the arts sector by our Australian partners, Feral Arts.

All registered delegates have a profile on the platform with details of their work and ways to connect with them. Delegates retain access to the platform for 12 months following the Market.

A number of international presenters and collaborators will be invited to attend the PANNZ Arts Market 2025.

The 2025 international programme will include hosting of guests to ensure meaningful connections were made between pitching and showcasing artists, for either future presentations internationally, or to collaborate or commission and localise work in their territories.

A big thank-you to all of our partners for making the PANNZ Arts Market possible


PANNZ was funded by Creative New Zealand in 2015 to run a national touring agency. Through this the PANNZ National Touring Programme (formerly knwn as Tourmakers) supports the touring of professional Aotearoa/New Zealand theatre, music and dance, and is a key initiative towards a sustainable touring network in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The purpose is to deliver high-quality work, with more than three people on stage, to medium-large scale professional performing arts venues throughout the country.

Each year, expressions of interest open for touring the following year. Applications are considered for suitability (marketing collateral, quality, scale and financial viability) and then a shortlist is taken to presenters to consider demand.

The 2024 our National Touring seasons featured The Savage Coloniser Show and Be Like Billy? touring to throughout Aotearoa.


Please contact if you have any questions regarding the Arts Market.